Thank you for your interest in Last Tangle In Washington Salon. To redeem your 10% First TimeClient Discount, complete the following 5 steps:
1 Download the discount coupon below by clicking on the voucher.
2 Print the coupon.
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4 Bring the coupon with you to your appointment.
5 Enjoy your experience with us!

At Last Tangle In Washington Salon, we greatly value our clients and the people whom our clients refer to us. So that we can show our appreciation for your referrals, our 20/20 Referral Program is designed to thank you, your friends, colleagues, relatives or whomever you refer to us!
Here’s how it works:
If you are a current hair service client and you refer someone new to your stylist, the person whom you refer will receive a 20% discount off their first hair service visit. You will also receive a 20% discount off your next hair service visit with your stylist. Please note that it is important for your referral to go to the same stylist that you are using. It’s as simple as that!
Each time you refer a new person to your stylist, you receive a 20% discount off your next visit. So that we can track your referrals and, in turn, show our appreciation to you with your 20% discount, please have your friend/colleague inform us that they were referred by you. This can be done by calling us at 202-775-1999 when they book their appointment or via email at lasttanglesalon(at)